Bridging the gap between research, teachers and EdTech

Free courses for teachers and EdTech 

Our mission is simple at WhatWorked, to bridge the gap between research, teachers and EdTech to advance learning. It will not be possible to build an evidence base for what works without supporting teachers to robustly test interventions in their classrooms.

In 2023, we have released the EdTech Standards of Evidence course to help provide teachers and EdTech companies with the knowledge and framework to engage critically with evidence. 

The WhatWorked Teachers website is free for teachers to use the publicly available teacher led trials on the platform. 

Building your own evidence base

If you are an edcational foundation, Muti-Academy Trust or Edtech company, we can support you to create your own micro-RCTs on the platform in a private setting. These can be set up at a fraction of the cost of traditional RCTs and pilot studies. 

We love to talk about evidence and the occassional cup of coffee, so please drop us a message using the contact form below to schedule a 30 minute virtual call. 
Write your awesome label here.

Request a call back / email

Thank you!

Frequently asked questions

Is it ethical to run experiments in schools?

We are often asked if it is ethical to withhold an intervention from children in schools, however we argue that it is unethical to implement an intervention if we do not know if this will work. It is crucial that we critically assess the interventions we implement in our classrooms, ensuring they are not only effective but also grounded in high-quality evidence. By embracing a rigorous approach to evaluating educational strategies, we can make informed decisions on which interventions to adopt and which to discard. The consequences of relying on ineffective interventions can be far-reaching, potentially stalling students' progress, wasting valuable resources, and inadvertently widening achievement gaps. By prioritising evidence-based practices, we can minimise these negative outcomes and contribute to the overall success of our students, schools, and communities.

If I sign up to test a free intervention, will WhatWorked complete the analysis?

Yes, if you sign up to a publicly available trial on the WhatWorked Teachers website the system will automatically generate an impact report when the trial is completed.  

Do you need ethical approval for the mini-RCTs in your school?

All the data you submit is anonymised and ethical approval is granted at school level. We believe that until we know interventions work, it is not ethical to not test this robustly, or to check regularly that the interventions still work as intended. All mini-RCTs eventually provide the intervention to all students, this is just not at the same time.  
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